About us


My name is Stephen Piper.

I am a priest in Trinity church, New York and I have been a devotee of Padre Pio for many years. His life and example have inspired me greatly, and I have experienced many blessings through his intercession.

One of the most profound changes in my own life came after I began praying to Padre Pio for help with a specific problem. I had been struggling with this problem for a long time, and I had tried everything I could think of to solve it, but nothing had worked.

Finally, in desperation, I turned to Padre Pio and asked for his help. I prayed to him every day, and I begged him to intercede for me.

One day, after several weeks of praying, I suddenly had a breakthrough. The solution to my problem came to me in a flash, and I was able to solve it easily.

I was so grateful to Padre Pio for his help, and I knew that I had to do something to share his miracle prayers with others. But I couldn’t just sit in my church and wait for people to come to me. I needed to find a way to reach a wider audience.

That’s when I decided to create a website to share Padre Pio’s miracle prayers with the world. I wanted to make it easy for people to find the prayers they needed, and I wanted to provide them with the resources they needed to learn more about Padre Pio and his intercession.

I worked hard to create a website that is both informative and inspiring. I included a wide variety of Padre Pio prayers, as well as stories of his miracles and testimonies from people who have been helped through his intercession.

I know that Padre Pio is smiling down on me from heaven. He is happy that I am using my gifts and talents to help others.

I am grateful to be a priest, and I am grateful to be a devotee of Padre Pio. I know that God has blessed me with a special mission, and I am committed to carrying it out to the best of my ability.

I pray that my website will continue to be a source of blessing and hope for people all over the world. I also pray that more and more people will come to know and love Padre Pio.

He is a truly holy man, and he has the power to intercede for us and to bring about miracles in our lives.

My mission

My mission is to reach a wider audience to share the miracle prayers of Padre Pio so that people can take help from him.

As a priest and devotee of Padre Pio, I have experienced firsthand the power of his intercession. My life was changed after praying to him, and I am now passionate about helping others to do the same.

I know that not everyone can visit my church to learn about Padre Pio and his prayers, so I have created this website to make his blessings available to everyone, regardless of their location.

I encourage you to explore this website and learn more about Padre Pio and his prayers. I also invite you to share this website with others so that we can spread the love and mercy of God through the intercession of Padre Pio.

How can you contact me?

You can contact me through the contact page of this website or reach me using my email below.

Email – [email protected]

Company Information

Address: 75 Broadway

City: Manhattan

State: New York

Zip code: 10006

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